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Social Media | Facebook, hashtag |

What the **** is a HASHTAG and WHY do I need them?!?
Don’t worry, you are not alone. For years, people came up to me before my workshops even started and asked me about hashtags. They were embarrassed to admit to the class that they didn’t know what they were, or too frustrated that they couldn’t understand their importance in society, or some were just angry and couldn’t wait until I was going to get to the topic and needed to vent!
This is a single-module course which will use Facebook to teach hashtags. Why Facebook? Because most people have a Facebook account. Twitter is actually where hashtags got started, but I have found fewer business owners have a Twitter account, so it is easier to give you a homework assignment with Facebook. The concept is the same on Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.
But remember – if I use a hashtag on Facebook, I stay in Facebook when I click on it. No social media platform wants to give traffic to a competitor. That’s just silly talk!